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Projects that TOPIC realised within the domain of safety & security:
Cenelec SIL 3 & 4, redundant hardware, triple redundant processes
With our SIL 3 and 4 expertise, we choose for a redundant hardware architecture. This not only goes for the processing platform but also for power supplies, I/O's and other circuitry. Depending on the SIL level, the software will be implemented in a double or triple redundant diverse processing system, for example using a hard-core processor, soft-core processor and the implementation using FPGA fabric. When required, scrubbing can be implemented to mitigate single event upsets and even single event latchup.
For our customer ProRail (responsible for rail infrastructure in the Netherlands) we implemented a Track Protection System preventing having 2 trains on the same track simultaneously. Therefore, we designed a SIL 4 certified Track Control System replacing an aging infrastructure based on classic relay technology. The new implementation was based on the AMD Zynq 7000 series System-on-Chips (SOC). We applied secure network connectivity and 30 kV overvoltage (lightning) protection.
Using a TOPIC System-on-Module, this leading test- and measurement customer developed a high-end instrument in the domain of 5G mobile communication
We offer solutions that are according to GDPR regulations and in compliance with ISO13485, 27001 and NEN 7510 standards
We design and develop complex and high-density boards where signal integrity, power management and thermal design are key success drivers
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