
Join us at the SPS 2024

From November 12-14 TOPIC will join the SPS (Smart Production Solutions) 2024 exhibition as one...

November 28 | TOPIC Virtual Job Dating Event

After the successful previous edition, we are hosting another Virtual job dating event on November 2...

Ronald van Gerwen will succeed Rieny Rijnen as TOPIC’s new CEO

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Ronald van Gerwen as new CEO of TOPIC as of January 1s...

White paper | AI in Industry

Is artificial Intelligence the magic wand to solve all development problems? TOPIC is involved in va...

TOPIC Summer Event 2024

On June 1st, our yearly TOPIC Summer Event took place again. And what a fun and unforgettable d...

Farm-out: Combining a hybrid way of consultancy and project execution

People involved are convinced: Farm-out combines the best of two worlds. Henri Sormani, Director Far...

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Benieuwd naar wat we nog méér doen, dan alleen de wereld verbeteren?

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