
TOPIC makes the world a little better, smarter and healthier every day. We develop technological solutions (for and with our customers) that contribute to a better and healthier world. We develop electronics and software in various domains. Our strength is to think beyond sectors, by using the latest technologies.

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High bandwidth storage solution for automotive sensor data Project

Automotive sensor connection platform for data storage.

High bandwidth solution for photonic encryption Project

Extremely high bandwidth interface solution for photonics applied to fully homomorphic encryption. Seamless cloud encryption processing solution for safe and secure data exchange using state of the art technology.

World’s most advanced radio telescopes Project

Central Signal Processor (CSP-Low) integration project for centrally correlating and processing thousands of digitized astronomical signals from the SKA-Low radio telescope receivers into science data.

Miami System on Modules Product

Using a TOPIC System-on-Module, this leading test- and measurement customer developed a high-end instrument in the domain of 5G mobile communication

Signal processing and algorithm modelling Project

Started from an idea and a research model, we developed this delirium monitor. From initial concept via prototype, optimization to industrialization to a (medical) product

Cloud-connected sense and act Project

We offer solutions that are according to GDPR regulations and in compliance with ISO13485, 27001 and NEN 7510 standards

Safety & Security Project

In our contribution and know-how you can count on our expertise in Safety Integrity Levels 3 and 4

AI & math-modelling Project

We designed and developed an autonomous observation system where, with multiple cameras, a full 360 degree view was created

Robotics & autonomous operation Project

Our solutions enable unmanned vehicle control : using Simulink and Python, we model the complete functional behaviour of a system

High-performance computing and signal processing Project

We design and develop complex and high-density boards where signal integrity, power management and thermal design are key success drivers

Making the world better, healthier and smarter: we are your partner in technology.

Curious about what else we do other than just making the world better?

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